Grow Your Own Tobacco

Home Origins Grow & Cure Order Seeds



For centuries, farmers and gardeners have cultivated homegrown tobacco for personal use. Although today the vast majority of tobacco is grown and cured by large corporations, it is possible to grow your own with a bit of know-how and a lot of patience. The cost to purchase ready-made tobacco products is extremely high and increasing each year and there are many concerns about the chemicals used in commercial tobacco production. Growing tobacco commercially requires the use of mass amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which tobacco plants absorb, and inevitably gets into the tobacco you consume. Some of the chemical contents in ready-made tobacco products include, but not limited to, acetone, acetic acid, ammonia, arsenic, benzene, butane, cadmium, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, lead, naphthalene, methanol, nicotine, tar, and toluene. While many of these chemicals are also found in other consumer products, these products have warning labels - there is no such warning for the toxins in commercially produced tobacco products.

Besides its use for smoking, there are many beneficial uses for tobacco. Tobacco is a source of an effective natural insecticide for the home garden - using as little as a cigarette amount of tobacco will create an all purpose insect repellent. For any person planning for a long term emergency, having a stock of tobacco is a great bartering item. For centuries tobacco has been used for medical purposes as a pain reliever for ear aches, toothaches, and as a poultice. Currently there are test studies being performed to find a way to extract the pain relieving components of tobacco to use for medial purposes.

The flowering tobacco is a beautiful ornamental plant - no more difficult to grow than many other garden plants - and will make a great addition to your garden.  If you love tobacco products, visit our order page and take the next step to begin cultivating your own crop!

Did you know?

In Canada, the Tobacco Tax Act provides for exemptions that allow an individual to: produce and process for your own personal use, and not for sale, up to 15 kilograms of raw leaf tobacco per calendar year and buy up to 3 kilograms of raw leaf tobacco for your own personal use.

For those visiting this site not residing in Canada, please check the Excise Act related to your country for regulations or restrictions.

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